Today's Thought
Ever tried this?
Today's Thought
Police dog writes an eyewitness statement and signs it with paw prints
The dog’s statement read: “I chase him. I bite him. Bad man. He tasty. Good boy. Good boy Peach.”
West Midlands Police is under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog. Officers became exasperated when prosecutors asked for an account of a crime from a ‘PC Peach’, not realising Peach was the name of a police dog. So they completed the form as if it had been written by the alsatian, and signed it with a paw print.
Today's Thought
Defence budget cut.
Rs.14,000 CR Defence budget cut.
Today's Thought
How much you know about Shimla?
How many places can you spot in this picture
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By:Prashant Thakur