Shimla – According to official data shared by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department, 865 new cases of coronavirus and 19 fatalities in the last 24 hours...
Shimla-The official number of daily Covid cases and deaths in Himachal Pradesh is on the decline for the last two days. On Sunday, the state reported...
Shimla- The Indira Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Shimla, has maxed out of beds with ventilator support, a report published in a Hindi daily said. The IGMC is the...
Shimla – On Friday, Himachal Pradesh reported 1,523 new cases of Covid-19 taking the total number of infections in the state to 1,87,342. It was also reported...
Shimla – The Covid death toll in Himachal Himachal Pradesh nears the 3000 mark as 59 patients succumbed to severe symptoms of coronavirus in the last...
Shimla-What is the first thing that comes to your head when you think of the Covid-19 pandemic? Apparently, for most, it is overwhelming negativity and a...