Shimla-Though number of daily Covid cases in Himachal Pradesh remains low, the fatality numbers are still in two digits. On Wednesday, according to the state health...
Shimla – On Friday, Himachal Pradesh reported 1,523 new cases of Covid-19 taking the total number of infections in the state to 1,87,342. It was also reported...
Shimla- While the official statistics released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department is indicating a drop in daily number of cases, there is hardly any respite...
Shimla-Health and Family Welfare Department, Himachal Pradesh, on Monday informed that the State Covid Clinical Committee has taken out a detailed treatment protocol for Mucormycosis/ Black...
Shimla– With just 7,552 Covid tests on Sunday, out of which results of 1,981 remain awaited; Himachal Pradesh reported 1,309 new cases of infection in the...