Shimla- On Wednesday, Himachal Pradesh reported 1,365 new cases of coronavirus, taking the total number of infections in the state to 1,84,347. In the last 24-hours,...
Shimla- While the official statistics released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department is indicating a drop in daily number of cases, there is hardly any respite...
Shimla-Health and Family Welfare Department, Himachal Pradesh, on Monday informed that the State Covid Clinical Committee has taken out a detailed treatment protocol for Mucormycosis/ Black...
Shimla-A couple of years back, who would have thought that there would come a time when humanity would sink so low that in some corner of...
Shimla-61 patients succumbed to severe symptoms of coronavirus in the last 24-hours in Himachal Pradesh. With this, the death toll in the state climbed to 2,813...
Shimla-Corona Curfew in Himachal Pradesh has been extended till 31st May 2021. The decision was taken by the HP Cabinet in a meeting held on May...