Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Cabinet on February 14, 2022, held a meeting. The State Cabinet decided to open all the educational institutions in the State from 17th February...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government, on the 52nd Statehood Day, has made several announcements. It announced 31 percent DA to employees, relaxation on electricity charges up to 60...
Shimla-Covid-19 restrictions in Himachal Pradesh has been extended till January 31, 2022. Currently, the state is witnessing a sharp spike in daily Covid-19 cases and deaths....
Shimla-Adi Badri Dam in Himachal Pradesh would be constructed near the Adi Badri area of Yamuna Nagar district of Haryana at Panchkula on 77 acres. Rs...
Shimla-The third wave is tightening its grip on Himachal Pradesh as the state reported an explosion in daily new cases and Covid-19 deaths. On Thursday, the...
Shimla-All retired employees of the of Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education would be provided medical reimbursement facilities as was being given to the other retired...