Chief Minister Jairam Thakur was addressing “Budhijivi Sammelan” at Rotary Club Palampur in Kangra district . Kangra-Palampur town of Kangra district would be upgraded to Municipal...
Shimla-India’s first e-cabinet application has been launched in Himachal Pradesh, the State Government claimed on February 5, 2021. With this, Himachal Pradesh has become the first...
Shimla-The Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha Budget Session 2021-22 would be held from February 26 to 20th March 2021. The Budget Session would have 17 sittings. The...
Shimla-Schools in Himachal Pradesh would open for regular classes from February 1, 2021, the State Government decided in a meeting of Cabinet held on Friday. ...
Shimla-Import of poultry products to Himachal Pradesh from other States has been banned for a week, the State Government informed today. The step was taken in...
Shimla-Asia’s First Mountain Institute will be developed in Shimla district and Chudhdhar areas, informed Himachal Pradesh Government after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to invest...