Shimla-Amid the fear over the entry of the Delta Plus variant to Himachal Pradesh, especially with tourists flooding in after all restriction on inter-state movement were...
Shimla-Yesterday, the Centre government directed the state governments to take immediate measure in wake of the spread of more infectious Delta Plus variant. As the Delta...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government has re-shuffled 43 IAS and HAS official. The transferred/posted officials include eight Deputy Commissioners. The orders came following the meeting of the HP...
Shimla-Corona Curfew in Himachal Pradesh would continue along with the guidelines/ SOPs issued from time to time but additional relaxations have been added. The decisions to...
Shimla– Himachal Pradesh on June 21 – the first day of vaccination under revised policy- vaccinated a record 1,000,80 eligible beneficiaries. The state government has set...
Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Cabinet meeting was held on June 22, 2021. The Cabinet decided to start inter-state buses including Volvos with 50% capacity from 1 July...