During 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, he was featured in Google’s ‘Pledge to Vote’ video that went viral. Indian EC had honoured Negi in 2010 as part...
Labourers camps being razed at the Shongtong project site in Kinnaur on Tuesday SHIMLA- Senior CPM leader and senior vice-president of the CITU Rakesh Singha accused...
SHIMLA- Last week, never ending landslides in ecologically fragile Urni in Kinnuar district of Himachal Pradesh again led to a critical situation. Two bridges worth Rs....
The number of tourists every year exceeds the state’s population of about 6.8 million SHIMLA- In a bid to attract more foreign and domestic tourists, the...
SHIMLA- The Himachal Pradesh state committee of CPI(M) on Saturday demanded withdrawal of prohibitory orders imposed by Kinnaur District Magistrate against striking workers. In a memorandum...
To be born and brought up in the Himalayas is a great privilege not everyone gets. And I am one of those lucky chaps who grew...