Shimla-During the last two days, Himachal Pradesh has reported 1247 cases with 12 fatalities. These cases include hundreds of teachers and students, especially in Mandi district....
Shimla-Ahead of re-opening of schools for regular classes from November 2, 22 teachers in three schools of Mandi district – Sarkaghat, Killing, Thunag- have tested positive....
Shimla– Five more COVID-19 casualties were reported in Himachal Pradesh on September 23, 2020. According to the official update from the Health Department, a total of...
The COVID-19 fatality rate in Himachal Pradesh is on the rise as the death tally reaches 130 with 13 new deaths in the last two days....
Shimla-The number of COVID-19 cases is rising at an alarming rate in Himachal Pradesh as for the past five consecutive days, the state had been reporting...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh reported 127 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday – a record single-day-spike till now. According to the Health Department’s COVID-19 Bulletin (9 PM), the total...