New Delhi-The Centre has issued a notification to the States informing that the provisions of the Disaster Management (DM) Act, 2005 will not be invoked in...
Shimla-Covid-19 restrictions in Himachal Pradesh has been extended till January 31, 2022. Currently, the state is witnessing a sharp spike in daily Covid-19 cases and deaths....
Shimla-The third wave is tightening its grip on Himachal Pradesh as the state reported an explosion in daily new cases and Covid-19 deaths. On Thursday, the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh on Monday witnessed a major jump in the number of both daily Covid-19 positive people and Covid-19 related deaths. While the state recorded 2446...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh is witnessing a sudden spike in the number of daily Covid-19 positive cases as warned by the health experts and the government. In a...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government offices, including PSUs, local bodies, and HP Secretariat, will operate five days a week with only 50% attendance from Monday, said a notification...