Shimla-Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jairam Thakur, have tested positive for COVID-19 and has been quarantined at his official residence. The report was confirmed by the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Health Department traced only 182 cases on October 5, 2020, and reported seven deaths. The deceased also included an 18-year-old. The COVID-19 death toll...
Shimla-While the fatality rate remains alarmingly high, the number of total confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to fall in the official data released in the Health Department’s...
Shimla-Data released by the State Health Department puts the total number of cases traced on October 3, 2020, at 241. Contrary to this data, the number...
Shimla-The number of traced COVID-19 cases is falling in the daily update released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department, but contrary to that the rate of...
Shimla-The traced number of patients of COVID-19 in Himachal Pradesh is falling in the official update issued by the state Health Department, but the fatality rate...