Shimla-Under immense pressure from parents, who have been protesting for last one and half month, private schools in Himachal Pradesh are finally undergoing inspections from April...
Shimla-The Directorate of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh, on April 8, 2019, issued a notification for constitution of committees to inspect private schools running under their respective...
Shimla– Police has filed multiple cases against parents protesting against arbitrary fee structures and trickery of private schools. However, no government agency has taken even a...
Shimla-The written directions issued to all private schools running in Himachal Pradesh from the State Directorate of Higher Education on March 18, 2019, to review their...
Shimla- Levying of hefty fee by private schools in Himachal Pradesh continues despite instructions by the Supreme Court, State High Court and MHRD Ministry. The assurances...
Shimla: Auckland House School for Boys, Shimla celebrated its Annual Junior Sports Day on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, in its school ground. Students of Nursery to...