Shimla-In the mysterious case in which 23-year-old Shubham went missing in Shimla’s Theog in November 2019, the district police have failed to find any clue after...
Shimla-A fake list containing names, addresses, phone numbers, and date of return from foreign countries or other Indian states went viral on social media. The list...
Shimla-In the case related to the disappearance of Shubham, a local of Shimla’s Rohru, his arrested friend, Puneet, will go through a polygraph test. It was...
Shimla-There is still no sign of Shubham, a resident of Rohru, Shimla district, after 10 days of his disappearance under mysterious circumstances. He went missing on...
Shimla- Shimla Police has solved the case related to a burglary in which cash and jewellery worth lakhs were stolen from a house in Bhattakufar area...
Shimla- Shimla Police on October 4, 2019, nabbed a girl near Bhattakufar area of Shimla city with 12 grams of Heroin (Chitta). The girl was identified...