Shimla-Three Punjab farmers were detained by Shimla Police on January 19, 2021, from the Ridge Shimla. The police can be seen shrouding them from media person...
Shimla-Entry of vehicles on the Ridge Maidan is prohibited except for the emergency vehicles and vehicles of the Governor and the Chief Minister. But this is...
Shimla- Cracks on the historic Shimla Ridge Maidan, on the Northern slope in front of the Gaiety Theatre, had appeared during recent monsoon rains. This part...
Shimla-Cracks on the historic Shimla Ridge Maidan appeared again this monsoon. The Shimla Municipal Corporation, as usual, has filled these fresh cracks with cement and charcoal,...
Shimla– Himachal Pradesh Government, on 73rd Independence Day, made several announcements. The Independence Day was celebrated throughout Himachal Pradesh. Functions were organised at State, District and...
Shimla: After Mahatma Gandhi, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the first Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Yashwant Singh Parmar, and freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai, now...