Shimla-While the Chief Minister Jairam Thakur led State Government has been assuring the people of the State that the COVID-19 spread is under control, the number,...
Shimla-The COVID-19 tally for Himachal Pradesh has risen to 518 with the appearance of 16 new positive cases on June 14, 2020. According to the Health...
Shimla-According to the COVID-19 Bulletin released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department on June 12 (9:00 PM), the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh on June 8, 2020, reported seven new COVID-19 positive cases. While seven cases were reported from Una district alone, two cases were reported from...
Shimla– On June 6, Himachal Pradesh reported seven cases from Kangra, Chamba, Hamirpur, and Una districts. By June 7, the tally rose to 401. Yesterday, five...
Shimla-On June 4, 2020, Himachal Pradesh reported 24 new cases of coronavirus from eight districts – Sirmaur, Kangra, Mandi, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Shimla, Chamba, Una and Kullu....