Chief Minister, Virbhadra Singh conferred the “Lifetime Achievement Awards” to five Veteran Litterateurs at a prestigious function held at Bachat Bhawan organized by ‘Himalaya Sahitya and...
Chief Minister, Shri Virbhadra Singh said that Mini Secretariat would be constructed at Sujanpur, so as to provide better facilities to people of the area so...
Chief Minister, Shri Virbhadra Singh said that the Government was making earnest efforts to exploit tourism potential of the state to its full. He said that...
Chief Minister, Shri Virbhadra Singh today inaugurated the Cath lab of Fortis Hospital at Kangra which would provide heart care facilities to the people of the...
50 bighas sufficient for a campus, then why universities allowed to purchase 600 bighas, 15 private universities were allowed during the BJP regime, only six universities...
The loan dues on Himachal would amount Rs.28,513 crore in March 2013, to fix it, govt would cut wasteful expenditure, and education, health, infrastructure would be...