I was waiting for my bus. Caught this little litterbug at New ISBT in Tutikandi. She is not to blame, but her parents and people who...
Lantana is a genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. “Present all over Himachal, it flowers almost throughout the...
Signature Campaign in HPU for students demands.
Take a look what Himalayas has offer to you as an adventurous challenge. Found these images posted in Himalayan Club with some tips for those who...
Have been to Shimla for holidays. Saw this dog and beggar. The beggar is unfortunate, but still he did find a buddy. A friend who never...
Like most of the other residents of Dhanda, I had to take a walk from Yaadgar to my place in Dhanda after local buses drop me...