SHIMLA- This particular bus is running in same condition on local routes everyday. Such buses must be immediately brought to attention of pollution control department before...
SHIMLA – People will keep dying but bus driver will never understand their responsibility. This private bus driver was talking on his mobile while he was...
Saw this bus going towards Shimla’s old bus stand today morning
Historic agreement signed in between MC Shimla and Ushabreco for the construction of ropeways in Shimla. This one is on BOT. It will have 4 stations...
I came across two separate car accidents on Shoghi road yesterday. This particular stretch of road near Shoghi is very vulnerable. Mostly, vehicles are in high...
One of Shimla’s ghost walkers was seen near Shoghi at around 1: AM. (18 June 2015) Picture: Ankit Ayaan Aggarwal