Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh Thursday described the railway budget saying, “It’s an average budget which is full of hollow ideas and promises without any...
SHIMLA – Himachal Pradesh high court has imposed a complete ban on the animal sacrifice, the state chief minister Virbhandra Singh ‘personally feels’ that court should...
Mandi – The high concentration of migratory bird bar-headed geese in the Pong Dam wetland area has helped the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)...
SHIMLA – The entire tribal belt and higher hills of Himachal Pradesh experienced another spell of heavy snowfall while mid and lower hills were lashed by...
SHIMLA – Mayor Sanjay Chauhan today presented the Rs 166.72-crore tax-free budget of the Shimla Municipal Corporation for 2015-16 . “The budget targets to create new...
SHIMLA – Himachal Pradesh government’s decision not to allow regularization of illegal encroachment of land by Tibetans in the state, now the government has decided not...