Shimla-As usual, while the Budget presented by the Himachal Pradesh Government for the 2021-22 financial year is being hailed by legislators and leaders of Bharatiya Janata...
Shimla-What is being reported as the result of not notifying certain rules of the Essential Commodities Act, a chaotic situation is arising in Shimla district, Himachal...
Uttarakhand Tragedy: ‘Natural disaster’ or ‘Willful Negligence’? Asks Environmental Activists and Organizations in Himachal Pradesh Shimla-After a massive flood trigger by what is being called a...
Shimla-Stabbed in the back by internal enemies – miscreants among them who had segued into the tractor rally held on the Republic day and sparked violence-...
Shimla-Three Punjab farmers were detained by Shimla Police on January 19, 2021, from the Ridge Shimla. The police can be seen shrouding them from media person...
Kullu-Several videos of the ‘leopard incident’ in Tirthan Valley, Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh, are going viral in India and would soon spread to international media. Anyone...