E-Vidhan Sabha project will cost Rs.7.75 crore, which will include Rs.4.52 crore for developing information technology infrastructure and Rs.3.23 crore sustainability cost for five years Shimla-Himachal...
Ginger growers in Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh, are demanding minimum support price (MSP) for their produce. Ginger growers in Sirmaur district happen to be the country’s largest...
The BJP government had given the land to the Yogpeeth for a paltry amount of Rs 17 lakh on 99-year lease at a token annual fee...
Banks and commercial establishments were closed across Himachal Pradesh Wednesday as employees joined the two-day nationwide strike called by major trade unions. Shimla -Most of the...
HW would like to correct our statement and confirm,“Shimla Police did not play cheap trick to protect its own cop, rather, it did a fantastic job...
In a fatal accident in Shimla, a Maruti 800 car rolled down the hill. The car went 80-100 meter down to the hill, completely shattering it....