Shimla-For a few years now, the Indian financial sector doesn’t make good reading. It all started with the constant increase in the NPA (non-performing assets), that...
Shimla– To a section of the society, the nation-wide lockdown to contain coronavirus outbreak might merely mean a restriction on the freedom of movement . However,...
Shimla-On this day in 1948, after overcoming centuries-old feudalism, 26 erstwhile Shimla hill states and four Punjab hill states amalgamated to form Himachal Pradesh. Back then,...
Shimla-Coronavirus pandemic is testing limits of the humankind and its health systems or the government systems in general across the globe. For a country like India,...
New Delhi-Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today interacted with Chief Ministers of all states via video conferencing to strategize ahead for tackling COVID-19. This was the...
Shimla-We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis: COVID-19. Calling this crisis, by far, the most exigent to the human race would not be an...