Shimla– ‘Himachal Academy Shikhar Samman’ Award has been announced for the year 2017-18, informed the Secretary Academy Dr. Karam Singh on June 6, 2020. The...
Shimla-In the alleged scam related to the purchase of medical equipment including PPE kits by the Health Department, Himachal Pradesh Government, the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau...
Shimla-The State Government has allowed the unemployed rural persons in Himachal Pradesh to work on their own land under MNREGA, even if the work was not...
Bilaspur– A pregnant cow in DaJhanduta constituency of Bilaspur District had her jaw blown off after she reportedly ate wheat-flour balls filled with some kind of...
Shimla– A five-storey building in Shimla’s Kasmupti area collapsed on June 6, 2020, between 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM. No person was present inside the building...
Shimla-In the cases related to alleged scam in purchase of ventilators by the Himachal Pradesh Government, an FIR has been registered against those persons who made...