Shimla-The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in district Hamirpur has rose to 101 with the appearance of eight new cases on Friday. A total of 14...
Shimla-Following the alleged scam in the Himachal Pradesh Health Department, which has been linked to bribery in the procurement of PPE kits, the sudden resignation of...
Shimla– The State Government has given Sanskrit the status of the second language to make it practical and popularized amongst the masses. It was informed by...
Hamirpur– On Friday, as per the daily mid-day bulletin issued by the Health Department for May 29, the COVID-19 tally for Himachal Pradesh has reached 290...
Shimla– The COVID-19 tally for Himachal Pradesh reached 281 on May 28 with detection of infection in eight more people from Solan, Kangra, and Mandi districts....