Shimla-The Himachal Pradesh government has placed three officers of the Ayurveda department under suspension for alleged irregularities in purchase of equipment in the department. The suspended...
Shimla-A spokesperson of the finance department informed that under the provisions in H.P. Treasury Rules and instruction, the life certificate and other certificates can be submitted...
Kinnaur-Deputy Commissioner of Kinnaur Gopal Chand said that no trekkers and pilgrims will be allowed to move on Kinner Kailash trek without permission of the district...
Mandi-Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department is infamous for its corrupt nexus with private contractors, something that does not stand to change with the change in state...
Solan-The Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry (UHF), Nauni has declared the result of its Under Graduate Entrance Examination (UGEE-2019) held on June 16....