Shimla-Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Saturday presented the Annual Budget for the Year 2019-20 in HP Vidhan Sabha. As per the revised estimates for 2018-19,...
Shimla-Overloading in private as well as the government buses in Himachal Pradesh, especially, in interior areas has always been a hazard. Despite several bus accidents that...
Shimla-Following the avalanche warning by the Snow and & Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE), Manali, in various parts of Chamba, Lahaul-Spiti, Shimla, Kinnaur and Kullu districts, the...
Shimla-The Budget Session of the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha for 2019-20 began on Monday with the address of the Governor Acharya Devvrat. The Governor claimed that...
Shimla- All is not well in the financial sector in India. For the past few years, the financial sector in India has been in the news for...