Shimla-On Monday, Himachal reported 4,359 new cases of coronavirus while 53 people succumbed to severe symptoms of infection. This took the state death toll to 1,925...
Shimla-The Government of Himachal Pradesh on Sunday claimed that the state has been able to achieve zero vaccine wastage during the COVID Vaccination programme that started...
Shimla-New curfew rules came into effect from Monday. The District Administrations have issued notifications regarding rules in their respective districts and timings of the opening of...
Shimla-In the last 24-hours, Himachal Pradesh has reported 55 deaths due to coronavirus and 3,093 new cases of the infection. The state has now reported 1,31,423...
Shimla-A Make-Shift Hospital for corona patients was being constructed at Bhangrotu in Mandi district, and the state government claims that it is almost ready and the testing process...