Shimla-With 37 fatalities reported in the last 24 hours due to severe Covid symptoms, Himachal Pradesh’s total death toll has climbed to 1,817 on Saturday. The...
Shimla-Curfew Rules in Himachal Pradesh have been changed from 10 May onwards. More stringent restrictive measures would be put in place, the state government said today....
Shimla– On Friday Himachal Pradesh reported 56 deaths due to coronavirus infection taking the total number of casualties in the state to 1,780, according to official...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government yesterday launched a dedicated Covid-19 Helpline at ‘Mukhyamantri Sewa Sanklap Helpline 1100 for facilitating the people regarding COVID-19 related issues. The Information Technology...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh reported 45 new fatalities due to coronavirus on Thursday taking the total death toll of the state to 1,724 according to official data provided...
Shimla- A Spokesperson of the state government said here today that there was no shortage of oxygen supply and beds in the hospitals and efforts were...