Shimla– Himachal Pradesh has reshuffled 20 IAS officials, and notification regarding their transfer was issued on May 31, 2020. Dr Ravinder Nath Batta has been appointed...
Shimla– The Department of Personnel, Himachal Pradesh Government, on May 31, 2020, issued a fresh notification regarding the opening of offices, attendance, timings for arrival and...
Shimla– Himachal Pradesh Government has notified new guidelines for phase five of the lockdown. The relaxation in curfew hours has been increased to 14 hours daily....
Shimla-Curfew in Himachal Pradesh has been relaxed from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM, informed the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur while presiding over the video conferencing...
Shimla– The Department of Transport, Himachal Pradesh, has issued notification confirming nod to restoring public transport within the State from June 1, 2020. The transport services...
Shimla– Government and private schools in Himachal Pradesh would remain closed till June 15 as vacations have been extended by the Department of Higher Education. A...