Shimla-Himachal Pradesh where curfew is in effect to check the spread of coronavirus, the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has announced a six-hour window of relaxation. ...
Shimla-Appropriate and effective steps are being taken by the state government to ensure adequate availability of essential commodities to the people of the state during the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government has decided that Medical Officers and paramedical staff who retired between 31 December 2017 to 29 February 2020, will get re-employment The decision...
Shimla-Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has appealed to the people of the State to come forward to voluntarily donate blood so that there was no scarcity...
Shimla- To fight COVID-19 epidemic in the Himachal Pradesh, the State Government has sanctioned an additional amount of Rs. 10 crores for the its Health Department....
Shimla– In view of COVID-19 spread, 912 persons have been kept under surveillance in Himachal Pradesh and samples of 16 persons have been taken for tests,...