Kinnaur-After the controversy over MP Ramswaroop Sharma’s return to his home in Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh, amid nation-wide lockdown and state-wide curfew, now the Superintendent of...
Solan-Pictures of a policeman approaching an elderly woman and later carrying a heavy bundle of fodder for her are making Himachal Pradesh Police proud. This policeman...
Shimla-The Director-General of Police, Himachal Pradesh , Sita Ram Mardi, today released a video in which he warned people who have returned to the State after...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government on Saturday sanctioned rupees one crore (Rs. 50 lakhs from HP COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and Rs. 50 lakhs from State Disaster Response...
Shimla– The Himachal Pradesh Police Department issued the schedule for the personality test for the posts of Constables CTS in the Directorate of Communication and Technical...
Shimla- Amid demand for a fresh probe in Kotkhai Gudia rape and murder case, three of the nine police officials accused in the custodial killing case...