Shimla: Recently, after a clarification was issued by the Himachal Pradesh Revenue Department to the Deputy Commissioner of Kangra district regarding Section 38-A of Section 118...
Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Government and its Public Works Department are infamous for corrupt nexus with private contractors, which results in poor quality work and use of...
Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Government on September 1, 2018, launched India Post Payments Bank for the State. Other than Himachal, the IPPB was launched in 650 districts...
Shimla: With the elections of 2019 nearing, growing drug and substance abuse among the youth of Himachal Pradesh (HP) has begun to become visible as a...
Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department has been working on a new initiative under the previous and current government of the State. The department is...
Shimla: After Mahatma Gandhi, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the first Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Yashwant Singh Parmar, and freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai, now...