Shimla-While the Chief Minister Jairam Thakur led State Government has been assuring the people of the State that the COVID-19 spread is under control, the number,...
Shimla-The COVID-19 tally for Himachal Pradesh has risen to 518 with the appearance of 16 new positive cases on June 14, 2020. According to the Health...
Shimla-The number of COVID-19 cases is still spiralling upward in Himachal Pradesh. According to the Health Department’s daily COVID-19 Bulletin (9 PM) released on June 13,...
Shimla-According to the COVID-19 Bulletin released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department on June 12 (9:00 PM), the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the...
Kangara– The result for Class 10 examinations held in 2020 was declared by the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education on June 9, 2020. The overall...
Shimla-Temples and religious places in Himachal Pradesh will remain closed for now as the State Government and the District Administrations are yet to issue any Standard...