Mandi-Prime Minister Narender Modi today addressed a rally at the Paddal ground in Mandi. The occasion was to celebrate what Chief Minister Jairam Thakur claimed to...
New Delhi-India will begin vaccination of the children in the age group of 15-18 years from 3rd January 2022. The move is likely to aid in...
New Delhi: Ahead of assembly polls in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister Narender Modi on Friday retreated from his stand on the three contentious farm...
Shimla-Free vaccine to all Indian citizens above 18 years of age would be available from 21st June onwards, the Government of India announced yesterday. The Centre...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh, being a hilly State, requires greater funds and resources to create infrastructure as compared to other States, Chief Minister Jairam Thakur said during the...
Shimla-Stabbed in the back by internal enemies – miscreants among them who had segued into the tractor rally held on the Republic day and sparked violence-...