Shimla-With nine more COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday, the tally for Himachal Pradesh has jumped to 399. The state is witnessing a surge in November as 87...
Shimla-COVID-19 continue to wreak havoc in Himachal Pradesh as the death tally spirals upward rapidly. Currently, 240 people have lost their lives due to COVID-19. Fifty...
Shimla-Today, Prime Minister Narender Modi interacted with the Chief Ministers of States through a video conference. The Chief Minister claimed that the Active Case Finding (ACF)...
New Delhi-The Government of India has extended the nation-wide lockdown till May 3, 2020, keeping in view the spread of coronavirus. Prime Minister Narender Modi today...
New Delhi-Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today interacted with Chief Ministers of all states via video conferencing to strategize ahead for tackling COVID-19. This was the...
Shimla-School bags featuring photos of Chief Minister Jairam Thakur and Prime Minister Narender Modi would be distributed in every government school in Himachal Pradesh. It was...