Shimla-To set Solar Power Plants in Himachal Pradesh, the State Government has signed two Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) worth Rs. 1000 crore with two companies. One...
Subsidy upto 90 percent for plants is being provided for units being installed in Government buildings and upto 70 percent to the residential and social sector....
SHIMLA- To save energy consumption, all 17 railway stations on the world heritage Kalka-Shimla rail track will soon have the solar lighting system. Divisional Railways Manager,...
Pilot solar wind hybrid power project of 2.5 MW to be set up at Rangrik in Kaza, Will generate 4.41 million units annually, will benefit as...
Two solar cities were being developed in the State at Shimla and Hamirpur. Final master plan for development of Shimla and Hamirpur cities as solar cities...