Shimla-Himachal Pradesh on Sunday beat Tamil Nadu in the finals to win the Vijay Hazare Trophy, bringing home the first-ever title in the domestic cricket circle....
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Yogasana Sports Association (HPYSA), Chairman, Prof. GD Sharma, has urged the State Government to include Yoga as a compulsory subject at the school level...
Shimla-New sites for adventure sports activities in Himachal Pradesh has been notified by the State Government, informed Director Tourism and Civil Aviation, Yunus Khan, yesterday. On...
Shimla-The 4th Elite Men’s National Boxing Championship would be organised in Shimla from 4 to October 10, 2019. Olympic, Asian Games and world-class boxers would participate...
Solan: While the youth of Himachal Pradesh is becoming infamous for the sudden surge in drug addiction it is witnessing currently, there are those who are...
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh will be participating in the 7th National Sub Junior Women Championship (Group-B) Tournament scheduled to be held at Ramanthpuram (Tamil Nadu) from 7...