Shimla-Ram Swaroop Sharma, a BJP MP from Mandi constituency of Himachal Pradesh, was today found dead at his residence in Delhi. The police is investigating the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh reported 10 COVID-19 deaths on September 24, 2020, which took the state’s death tally to 145. This is the biggest single-day-spike in the fatalities...
Bilaspur-Video of the girl student of Bilaspur Degree College, who had jumped from the third floor of her college building on December 3, 2019, has appeared...
On Thursday night, an accused held with Heroin in Bhadroyan area of Kangra district died in police custody at the Damtal Police Station. As per the...
Hamirpur-A case of suicide by a staff nurse serving at the Dr Radhakrishanan Government Medical College, Hamirpur, appeared on Thursday. The deceased left a suicide note...
The performance in the first exam means a good or bad start for the students. The current case supports these findings as it was the first...