The spot where engineering college students form Hyderabad were washed away on Sunday, June 8, 2014, in the Beas river, Thalod village in Mandi district, Himachal...
Praveen Kumar, a local resident, said, “The Larji authorities are releasing the water from the dam for the past several days but neither they sound any...
Only 4 bodies of 24 Hydrabad students, who was swept by water release from the Larki hydro project, rescue operation is still going in. Meanwhile, Virbhadra...
This transformer or whatever electrical thing is called near Gopal Mandi . I think, it’s really careless to leave it open to access it anyone. There...
Clicked on 8 June 2014. A couple of years ago, New ISBT was built for the Shimla public. It was clean, beautiful, and solved the space...
Rescue workers Monday morning recovered two bodies from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi district while the fate of 22 others washed away in the flooded Beas river is...