SHIMLA- The police started investigation into the complaint filed against the Vice-Chancellor of CSK HP Agriculture University (CSK HPAU), Palampur, for submitting a wrong bio-date, while...
SHIMLA- Faced with troops of marauding monkeys that have been stealing food and menacing the streets of popular resorts and nearby areas, Himachal Pradesh’s wildlife wing...
Shimla- Apex consumer panel NCDRC has castigated Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) for using LPG cylinders beyond expiry date and asked the state-run oil firm to pay...
SHIMLA- Electricity bills in Himachal Pradesh’s state capital Shimla can now be deposited in post offices. The general post office (GPO) in Shimla has already started...
SHIMLA- Himachal Lokhit Party (HLP) leaders today demanded that the state government should slash the bus fares and freight charges by 40 per cent as the...
SHIMLA- This is Beauly Govt. school campus on APG Road in Shimla. The entry gate of the school is made of iron and a service wire...