Running in loss of Rs 653 crore, HRTC facing problems in paying salaries of the employees, now will purchase fuel in retail, focus on improving fuel...
The verdict of Indian Supreme Court on 1993 Mumbai blasts relieved the victims, but five years sentence to Sanjay Dutt shocked Bollywood and his fans. The...
Bee venom toxin melittin kills HIV, but leave surrounding cells unharmed, researchers hope to use this new compound to develop a vaginal gel that can prevent...
This year Heavy snow and rains killed 23 people, 15 in Kinnaur and 8 in Shimla, and destroyed property worth Rs.229 crore in Himachal Pradesh, caused...
A Rs 20 crore proposal for introducing electronic ration cards system sent to the Centre for approval, said Food and Civil Supplies minister GS Bali Shimla-...
On 07/02/2013, HW had wrote to Himachal’s Eletricity department regarding their faulty Payment Kiosk at Shimla Mall, which was causing troubles to the consumers. HPSEB on...