SHIMLA- On Tuesday, Chief Secretary V.C.Pharka launched the Citizen Reposting and Management Tool (CRMAT), a mobile app for sanitation grievance redressal, developed by Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh Development...
In Car-bin’ scheme under Swatch Bharat Mission, jute bags would be provided to the tourists entering the State including the locals to maintain cleanliness in the town....
Jagdish, an employee of State Bank of India, is an influential man and allegedly managed to manipulate government records to change the status of his land...
The Mining Officers of the State have been entrusted with the responsibility of identifying illegal curbed routes leading to river beds for carrying out illegal mining...
2015 survey indicates areas like Nurpur, Renuka, Rohru, Dalhousie, Bilaspur, Dharamshala and Pangi registered an increase in the number of simians SHIMLA- After failure to take...
SHIMLA- From September 19, 2016, vehicles registered outside Himachal Pradesh will have to pay Green Tax on entering into area under Shimla Municipal Corporation (SMC) radius....