In Himachal Pradesh public authorities are least bothered about Suo Motu disclosure. Most of the official websites of HP government departments, boards and corporations of Government...
In a shocking incident, a drunk police official halted two ambulances for carrying patients on Shimla Mall, asked to show permits. SHIMLA- A few weeks ago,...
SHIMLA- Three females were caught on CCTV shoplifting at the Woodland showroom situated on famous Shimla Mall Road. The video shows a woman and two girls...
SHIMLA- We received a couple of video clips from a resident of Shimla and one of Himachal Watcher’s readers. The complainant told us that the office...
CHMABA- Owing to insensitivity on part of ministers and bureaucrats, roof of the government primary school Bhanoi, Chamba, which was in tatters and was due for...
#VoteBetterNextTime #SaveShimla These pictures draw clear image of what Shimla City and other towns of Himachal are currently going through- heavy vehicular emissions/air pollution, which both...