Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government on Thursday claimed that its Helpline service started to deliver prescribed medicines during the lockdown to patients has benefited several people. Curfew was...
Shimla– Despite guidelines issued by the Government of India and State Governments regarding home-quarantine, media reports keep appearing in which home-quarantined persons were found taking a...
Kinnaur-A landslide in Kinnaur’s Pangi village on Thursday killed at least one person and damaged a house and apple orchards. This scary scene of rocks breaking...
Shimla-The nationwide-lockdown in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has badly hit the States having tourism industry as their major source of revenue. In such states, the...
Shimla-In Statement released on Tuesday, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has thanked the people from various walks of life and different organisations for donating generously towards...