Of Roaring Lions and Squeaking Mice! Francis Bacon had once described the judges as ‘Lions under the throne.”However decades later in the famous Second World War...
Shimla- Three Skill Development Schemes are running in Himachal Pradesh with an aim to train about one lakh youth of the state to get employment, the...
Shimla-The vacant posts of Physiotherapists in Himachal Pradesh’s district-level hospitals would be filled up on priority basis and one additional post of Physiotherapist would also be...
Kullu-A historicttemplein Nirmand Tehsil of Kullu district was engulfed in fire on Saturday night. The three-storey wooden temple of goddess Damashan was located in Kushwa village...
Shimla– The eye banking facility in Himachal Pradesh is completely unorganized and requires immediate attention of the state government. The government has failed to arrange adequate...