Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur claimed it has achieved all 10 targets set for the first 100 days has been achieved with the laying of foundation...
Shimla: The strike of the staff of 108 and 102 emergency services in Himachal Pradesh has entered its 7th day despite termination of about 63 striking...
Shimla: The internal political affairs of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party have turned the Shimla Municipal Corporation into a home-made series of ‘Big Boss’. Now we...
Solan: Hail storms are nightmares for fruit and vegetable growers of Himachal Pradesh. Hails causes huge financial losses to farmers every year. Farmers in some areas...
Shimla: The Department of Economic and Statistics today released “District Domestic Product (District Income) of Himachal Pradesh” from 2011-12 to 2015-16 with the base 2011-12. The...