Shimla: During the current monsoon season, Himachal Pradesh has faced losses worth Rs. 634.87 crore upto August 30, 2017, and 289 persons were killed. Out this...
Shimla: Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh’s Delhi-based farmhouse worth 27. 29 crores was provisionally attached by the Law Enforcement Directorate in relation to money laundering probe against...
Shimla: A landslide in Dhalli area of the Shimla district on Saturday afternoon is said to have buried several vehicles and damaged a temple and some...
SHEB workers alleged the Mayor of using inappropriate and abusive language when they approached her office to discuss their demands. The workers have demanded an apology...
Shimla: The disabled students in Himachal Pradesh are facing a hard time in claiming their rights to equality and equal opportunities in the field of academics....