Shimla-With the rise in new cases, the state government is running out of beds and ambulances fast. Yester, the government directed district administration to explore all...
Shimla: The 108 and 102 emergency services provided by the GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute (GVK-EMRI) have become a mockery of the very purpose of...
Shimla: Tired of repeated false assurances and increasing exploitation by the GVK-EMRI (Emergency Management and Research Institute) that runs 108 and 102 emergency services in Himachal...
Shimla: The strike of the staff of 108 and 102 emergency services in Himachal Pradesh has entered its 7th day despite termination of about 63 striking...
Shimla: Two men were injured as a 108 ambulance skid-off the Sanjauli-Lakkar Bazaar road near the Indira Gandhi Medical College today morning. The vehicle fell down...
An old woman slips on ice, dies due to delay as 108-ambulance service call-centre denies service, while taxi driver charges four times the usual fee to...