Shimla-Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday recorded 2157 cases and 24 COVID-19 deaths, taking the case and death tallies to 91350 and 1374 respectively. According to the statistics...
Shimla-New rules for entry into Shimla district were notified by the Deputy Commissioner on Aril 26, 2021. Now residents and visitors would have to go through...
Shimla– On Monday, the infection claimed 27 more lives in the last 24 hours. According to the official statistics provided by the state health department, the...
As dozens of South Asians came together for an online gathering on Sunday 26th April, 2021 to express grief and solidarity amidst the suffering inflicted by...
Shimla-Chief Minister said that the twin strategy for testing, tracing and treatment with effective surveillance through micro containment zones was need of the hour. All the...
Shimla- COVID-19 has begun to wreak havoc in Himachal Pradesh as the tally of daily fatalities witnessing a sharp rise with each passing day. On Sunday,...