Shimla-Satpal Singh Satti, the president of Bhartiya Janata Party’s Himachal Pradesh unit, was caught on camera passing obscene remarks at INC President Rahul Gandhi Gandhi. He...
Shimla-Under immense pressure from parents, who have been protesting for last one and half month, private schools in Himachal Pradesh are finally undergoing inspections from April...
Shimla-Last week an order has been passed by Hon’ble Justice Tarlok Chauhan of Himachal Pradesh High Court for taking evidence through video conferencing, rather than having...
Shimla- Taking note of the unabated mushroom growth of illegal and unauthorised construction on the National Highway especially in the areas of Solan, Kandaghat and Kasauli,...
Shimla- Cancer Aid Society, an NGO based in Lucknow, recently raised objections to the serious allegations labelled by a Shimla-based NGO, Umang Foundation, against it. In May 2017,...
Shimla- RSS, ABVP, and SFI had been creating a hue and cry over bloodshed at the HPU hostels. RSS was holding SFI the sole responsible agent,...